"These past five years have been wonderful. I'm very grateful to my sponsor and mentor, Darius, for allowing me to enter the priesthood in service to Tymora. You see, for five generations my family has lived in Raven's Bluff. My family owns a supply store called the Traveler's Friend on the west end of town, it was opened by my great grandfather and has been passed to the eldest son ever since.

This presented a problem for me. I love my family, and I always want to be there for them. But, I don't want my life to consist of just the Living City (though this town is certainly not boring). You see the problem is that I'm the eldest son. I have an older sister, five years older to be exact, but that still doesn't make her the 'hier to the torch rack' as I like to call it. All of my life I had met adventurers who stop in for some rope, torches, blankets, whatever they needed in their travels. They had the best stories, had done amazing things... and I wanted to be one of them. 
I know that owning and operating a supply store is an honorable trade. But I wanted to explore new places, learn new things, meet new people, have friends in every land. I want to learn to paint, to write poetry, but I need to be inspired! Where is the inspiration is saying 'Would you like a few extra candles, my lord?'. But I was stuck, bound by family obligation, or so I thought...
My father's best friend is Darius, a ranking priest of Tymora at the temple here in Raven's Bluff. My father knew that while I would take my place in running the store I wouldn't be happy. Darius knew this as well, and when I was thirteen years old he counseled my father to make and exception as to who would inherit the 'torch rack'. This wasn't easy, it took almost a year to convince him. Darius knew I had what it took to be a priest, I never missed a weekly service at the temple (I didn't want to miss out on the stories the passing adventurers would tell).
In any case, Darius managed to get me an interview and helped secure me a place as a neophyte. I had much to learn about the faith even though I thought I knew Lady Luck's cannon as well as anyone. I had to learn about other religions and how Tymora fits in among them. While I could always read and count, the priests saw to it I was educated on a higher level. I had to learn dozens of rituals, how to mend wounds, to ride a horse. You see, as Tymora is the goddess of adventure and good fortune, she knows we have to be prepared or that good fortune could elude you.
I also learned the power of prayer. Most people never learn to pray at the more focused level, but when you do you can make light where only darkness once was, or a feast for all to enjoy! As Tymora sees fit and I discover more about the power of my faith, my mentors say I'll be able to speak prayers that can heal mortal wounds, or cause great distruction. That is a great responsibility and I pray that Tymora only grants such prayers if I can use them wisely. But, with her help I know I will.

One of my favorite passages from Her holy book is 'Don't leave luck to chance'. Tymora is always with us, but we have to do our part so things turn out well. It is her wish that we be prepared for how ever the coin lands. Isn't fate, after all, just the weight of circumstances? It is foolish to be blind to such things, but at the same time equally foolish to forget that Tymora has her thumb on the scales. She'll be there for you, that you can count on...but you have to meet her half way.
So, anyway, I digress. I was off the hook of taking over the store and in the priesthood. I thank Her for that. My older sister, Angel, is set to take over the store when my father retires. Now, five years later I am about to recieve my clerical orders. Sometimes they send young priests around the world to spread the word of Tymora and to help those who need a little bit of her good fortune. In any case, what lies around the corner for me is unknown and that is exciting. Where ever I go, She'll be with me. As my sponsor and mentor says 'A few coins, some good friends, and Lady Luck by your side...what else is there?'"

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